How Does Steel Fabrication Work?

Steel fabrication is the procedure behind the creation of a wide variety of products, including survival bunkers and storm shelters. It involves many different techniques and requires pinpoint accuracy, but it’s the most efficient way to turn raw steel into complex structures.

Here’s a full breakdown of the steel fabrication process and its many benefits — plus the advantages of having a steel bunker over other materials.

A Simple Breakdown of Steel Fabrication

In a nutshell, steel fabrication is the practice of creating steel items through secondary manufacturing methods. While primary steel manufacturing takes place in steel mills and foundries, steel fabrication takes place in your average warehouse or assembly plant. This industry is more efficient than ever thanks to advancements in automated manufacturing.

Steel fabrication takes semi-finished steel items and turns them into finished products in a handful of ways:

  • Cutting: Technicians fracture the steel with a saw, drill or grinder into the desired shape, leaving small pieces called “chips” behind. Chips are recycled or repurposed for other items.
  • Welding: Instead of splitting up the steel, welding fuses two or more parts together through heat and pressure. Gas metal arc welding is the most common type.
  • Bending: Workers use a press brake tool to force steel sheets or rods into a predetermined shape.
  • Drilling: Drilling is a specific cutting technique that bores holes with specific dimensions into the steel, which requires a high-speed steel drill bit.
  • Bolting: After drilling the required holes, two or more steel parts may be bolted together with semi-permanent joints.
  • Coating: Metal coating is often applied to steel surfaces as a protective barrier against oxidation, which causes rust and corrosion. The process usually consists of hot-dip galvanizing or thermal spraying.

Each of these techniques has its place, but cutting is usually the primary steel fabrication method because pre-fabricated steel often gets split into multiple units. Bandsaws are the main tools for the job, as there are many specialty saws that can cut through heavy steel grades like a hot knife through butter.

Steel fabrication isn’t always the same as metal fabrication. The latter process deals with raw metals like copper and titanium, but steel is an alloy made from iron ore. Alloys go through a more intense fabrication because they’re stronger than naturally occurring metals. It starts with the purification of iron ore, followed by the addition of carbon to lower its melting point.

Other common alloy elements that manufacturers add to steel include aluminum, chromium, nickel, copper and manganese. They all have varying effects, but their overarching purpose is to make steel stronger and yet more malleable.

Benefits of Steel Fabrication

When it comes to underground shelters, fabricated steel is the best material hands down. A steel bunker is the safest place someone can be during an emergency event. Here are some of the biggest reasons why steel fabrication is so valuable for bunker construction.

Saves Time and Money

Fabricated steel is much easier to install than other metals during construction. The steel already has the required dimensions to seamlessly fit within the building’s infrastructure. It’s much easier to prepare the steel in a controlled environment and transport the finished parts to the worksite. Technicians can prepare each part with pinpoint accuracy, allowing for greater customization.

Steel fabrication is an essential component of a greater trend called prefabricated construction. With “prefab” construction, workers develop sections of the building off-site and transport them to the site for assembly later on. This new method of construction makes it much easier to add steel panels, beams, trusses and fasteners.

Enhances Steel’s Durability

Steel is already one of the most durable and long-lasting metals available, which is why it’s so popular in construction. Steel fabrication enhances these qualities even further. Technicians can cut, bend and weld the steel into exact shapes, drill or bolt parts together and add protective coatings.

These improvements make steel the superior material for underground structures because it can withstand cracks, corrosion, moisture and harsh weather. Buildings with fabricated steel are more likely to last for their expected lifespans and less likely to require frequent maintenance.

Better for the Environment

Fabricated steel is also the best choice for the environment. It’s corrosion resistant, which means it takes a long time to decompose and seep into the earth at landfills. Buildings with fabricated parts also tend to produce less construction waste — especially timber, concrete and steel. Waste is the biggest contributor to the construction industry’s overall pollution.

Steel is also 100% recyclable, meaning that builders can repurpose it again and again without sacrificing its durability. In theory, a building’s panels and beams could consist entirely of recycled steel with no difference in quality.

Advantages of Steel Bunkers

Underground shelters are either made of steel or concrete. Although concrete is usually more affordable and easier to install, steel has some more important advantages. Here are the most relevant reasons why fabricated steel is the best choice.

Unmatched Flexibility

Bunkers come in many shapes and sizes. There is no one-size-fits-all solution because every family has different needs and preferences. That’s the biggest reason why steel is the perfect material. Steel bunkers are fully customizable for both security and luxury, allowing homeowners to specify every detail and make changes during construction as necessary.

For example, a family might need handicap accessibility for an elderly or disabled relative. They might also want to expand the bunker in the future if they plan on having more children. Whether they want to add another bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or recreation center, these customization options are the easiest to pull off with steel.

Resilient to the Elements

The strongest survival bunkers are made of quarter-inch carbon plate steel, which is two times thicker than federal requirements for steel structures. This level of thickness makes bunkers twice as resilient against the elements, including earthquakes. It would take an apocalyptic disaster to remove a steel bunker from its foundations.

Steel plates also usually have industrial rubber coatings that improve the shelter’s longevity. The coating provides extra protection against all forms of corrosion. This added layer is a huge advantage for underground shelters because they’re supposed to support long-term residency. Occupants might have to stay there for years, so they need all the protection they can get.

Steel’s anti-corrosive quality also neutralizes the greatest nonlethal threat to underground bunkers — moisture. Over time, rain and groundwater can corrode concrete and other metals, leading to leaks, mold and significant foundational damage. Steel doesn’t absorb any water, so the bunker’s occupants never have to worry about these problems.

Those who are willing to pay extra can also request galvanized steel, which has an extra coating of zinc. Galvanized steel is more resistant to rust than regular steel, and it can also protect against fire more effectively. Fire resistance is a must-have for bomb shelters in particular.

Fabricated Steel is the Only Real Option

Based on all of these benefits of fabricated steel — both in terms of construction and long-term performance — this material is the only real option for survival bunkers. No other material can offer the same combination of durability and flexibility.

While it’s not the cheapest option, money shouldn’t be the deciding factor when preparing for potential disasters. The deciding factor should be which material gives the best chance of survival, and fabricated steel is the clear answer.

Bullet Proof Glass With "spider Web" Cracking

How Does Bulletproof Glass Work?

Bulletproof glass is one of the most impressive security advancements in the last few decades. It can be found in almost every commercial building, and now it’s becoming more common in residential applications. How does it work, and what is the science behind this unique invention? There’s a lot to it. Here’s what people should know about bulletproof glass to ensure their and their possessions’ safety.

Is Bulletproof Glass Really Bulletproof?

First, it’s important to answer the underlying question: Is bulletproof glass really bulletproof? The answer is both yes and no. Bulletproof glass is not 100% impenetrable, but it can withstand multiple shots before cracking by absorbing the energy from the bullets upon impact. It’s a valuable extra line of defense against armed intruders but not a forcefield.

The strongest bulletproof glass ever made is a Level 8 on the Underwriter’s Laboratories’ (UL) ballistics scale, or a Level III on the National Institute of Justice’s scale. That means it can stop multiple rounds from a 7.62 mm rifle before breaking. It can also stop weaker types of ammunition such as 9 mm, .44 magnum, .30 caliber and 5.56 mm, even with full metal jackets.

Although bulletproof glass won’t stop all projectiles, it can still protect people from common pistols and rifles. It will also provide an extra few seconds for self-defense, which could make the difference between life and death.

How Does Bulletproof Glass Work?

Bulletproof glass has multiple layers — one of regular glass and one or more of polycarbonate. A thin urethane or polyvinyl butyral (PVB) membrane separates each layer for extra support. The standard thickness of polycarbonate bulletproof glass is ¾-1 ¾ inches thick.

Some bulletproof glass also utilizes monolithic acrylic instead of polycarbonate. This plastic material is a solid sheet of acrylic thermoplastic, ranging from 1 ¼-1 ⅜ inches thick. This variety also has urethane or PVB membranes for improved strength and flexibility. The glass and plastic layers are fused under high pressure and temperatures.

The polycarbonate or acrylic absorbs a bullet’s force and velocity, bringing it to a sudden stop. The breaking glass from the first layer also assists in slowing the bullet upon impact. The average bullet travels at about 1,700 mph, so every layer must contribute to slowing it down.

Bulletproof glass has other relevant functions. It’s also strong enough to withstand blunt-force weapons such as hammers and baseball bats that intruders often use during home break-ins.  It can stop flying debris such as stones and tree branches during extreme weather events. It might get a few cracks, but it won’t shatter.

Although bulletproof glass is most often found in large commercial buildings, it can also be installed in vehicles or domiciles. For example, Return Fire bulletproof glass is available for residential doors for bunkers, safe rooms, storm shelters and other unique applications.

There is one major weakness of bulletproof glass. Bullets shot from inside the building can penetrate through the glass because they strike the plastic layer first. The glass then breaks outward instead of inward, allowing the bullet to pass through with little to no energy loss. People can only rely on bulletproof glass to protect them against external threats.

Types of Bulletproof Glass

Not all bulletproof glass is created equal. It’s vital to select the right type for businesses or residences. There are four main options, each with different protection levels.

1.    Acrylic Glazing 

This type of bulletproof glass, also known as ballistic glass, contains a simple layer of glazed solid acrylic. It can withstand bullets from small- and large-caliber handguns, but not high-powered rifles. It’s the cheapest and most widely available type, so it’s the most financially feasible option for those on a budget.

Acrylic is also affordable because it’s easy to cut and work with. People experienced with DIY renovations might be able to install acrylic bulletproof glass by themselves.

2.    Laminated Polycarbonate

 Laminated polycarbonate consists of thinner plastic layers but provides more protection than acrylic glazing. That’s because the polycarbonate, plus the additional urethane or PVB membranes, offer more flexibility and greater bullet resistance. It can stop up to Level 3 firearms on the UL ballistics scale, or .44 magnum bullets.

Although laminated polycarbonate is strong, flexible and lightweight, it’s also prone to warping and scratching if not cleaned properly. Preventive maintenance is especially important for this type of bulletproof glass.

3.    Glass-Clad Polycarbonate 

GCP consists of the same polycarbonate layers and membranes, with one crucial addition: a layer of real glass. This feature makes the product more visually appealing and takes it to a new level of strength. GCP can reach up to Level 8 on the UL ballistics scale — the strongest glass available.

GCP has the same maintenance requirements as laminated polycarbonate. The outer layer must be kept clean to prevent abrasions and avoid creating weak spots in the glass.

4.    Insulated Glass

Insulated bulletproof glass has the same protection level as GCP but has better energy efficiency and helps with indoor temperature control. These benefits come from small air gaps between the polycarbonate layers.

Although each type of glass is strong enough to stop low-caliber bullets, they can be made even stronger with a few simple adjustments. People can add an abrasion-resistant coating to the exterior for increased durability against extreme weather. They can also install additional polycarbonate safety shields or security films over the existing glass.

Common Bulletproof Glass Applications

Bulletproof glass is most often used in large commercial buildings, such as schools, offices and shopping centers, but it has several other interesting applications.

1.    Home Security 

Bulletproof glass has become an increasingly popular part of home security, protecting families against burglaries and extreme weather events. Acrylic is the most common ballistic glass for this application because of its affordability, ease of use and ability to adapt to existing window frames.

However, even the strongest bulletproof glass will not protect a home from explosives. It might stop some of the shrapnel but not the brunt of the blast. People seeking protection from all types of weapons must create at least a 36-inch barrier between their shelter and the outside.

2.    Armored Vehicles 

All military personnel drive armored vehicles, whether or not they’re in designated combat zones. Government officials and other public figures also rely on cars with bulletproof glass for much of their transportation. The most common example is the Popemobile, which has had many bulletproof glass variations over the years.

Bulletproof glass is also available for private vehicles, with installation costs ranging from $3,000 to $20,000 depending on the car and the glass’s level of protection.

3.    Disaster Preparedness

Insulated bulletproof glass is a fantastic upgrade to storm shelters because of its weather resistance and climate control abilities. Small places get hot and stuffy because of the cramped space, but insulated windows allow for a little more airflow. Their transparency is also on par with acrylic windows, so people get as much natural light as possible.

Protect Loved Ones and Belongings

Bulletproof glass isn’t the impenetrable force field everyone wishes it could be, but it still offers sufficient protection from most pistols and rifles. It would make a great addition to a home, business or vehicle. People should explore the different glass options and decide which variety will best help protect their loved ones and belongings.

Storm Shelter In Storm

How Do Storm Shelters Stand up to Extreme Winds?

Storm shelters are designed to protect their occupants from all kinds of catastrophic weather events, including blizzards, tropical storms, tornadoes and hurricanes. All these storms have one thing in common: strong winds. Here’s an in-depth explanation of how different types of shelters stand up to extreme winds.

How Common Are High-Wind Events?

High-wind events are more common than most people realize — especially tornadoes. A surprising amount of the United States faces a moderate to high risk of a tornado strike, including most of the Midwest and Southeast. Some states get hundreds of these storms every year. Tornadoes only take a few hours to develop, leaving communities little time to react.

Communities within a few hundred miles of the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico face a constant risk of hurricane and tropical storm damage. These events can take just a few days to develop, so evacuation might not be an option. States farther north that get lots of snowfall can experience a handful of debilitating blizzards every winter.

It’s also worth noting that extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe due to the growing effects of climate change. The country is at a greater risk of high-wind weather, which continues to increase.

Lucky individuals will only experience minor exterior damage to their homes. In the worst-case scenario, entire houses can get carried away by strong winds, never to be seen again. Nobody wants to be trapped inside if that happens. A storm shelter prevents such a disaster, keeping everyone and everything inside safe from the outside world.

Storm Shelter Building Regulations

The International Code Council and American National Standards Institute are the main governing bodies that set global standards for storm shelter construction. The 2020 ICC-500 is the latest criteria, including design requirements for the main wind-resisting structural system, lighting, sanitation, ventilation, fire safety and floor space.

An ICC-approved shelter must meet the following criteria when it comes to wind resistance:

  • Walls and roofs must have adequate anchorage to resist overturning and uplift.
  • Walls, ceilings, doors and windows must withstand design wind pressures and resist penetration by windborne objects and falling debris.
  • Connections between building elements must withstand design wind pressures.

The term “design wind pressures” refers to the strongest potential winds the shelter might face, which depends on its location. Homeowners who want to build a storm shelter must know their local wind zone. All residential properties in the U.S. must have a data plate indicating the building’s wind zone.

Most residences fall into Zone 1, requiring homes to resist wind speeds up to 70 mph that often occur in severe storms. Zone 2 houses must withstand up to 100 mph and typically lie within a high-risk hurricane or tornado zone. Zone 3 applies to residential properties that must resist wind speeds up to 110 mph.

Homeowners should also take their local geographic features into account. Some landmarks are more exposed to strong winds than others. Cities and woodlands are the least vulnerable because of their tightly packed obstructions, while grasslands and areas near large bodies of water are much more exposed.

Every storm shelter in the U.S. must also meet all requirements set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to ensure its structural integrity. The American Society of Civil Engineers provides additional documentation for wind loads and other structural guidelines. These organizations work together to enforce specially engineered shelter designs.

Wind-Resistant Storm Shelter Materials

Concrete masonry is the ICC and FEMA’s preferred material for storm shelters because it provides a continuous load path from roof to foundation. Connecting concrete roof slabs to the shelter’s walls with reinforcing bars is simple construction. It’s the strongest material against winds, withstanding up to 250 mph in tests conducted at Texas Tech University.

Although the ICC and FEMA prefer concrete masonry, other viable materials exist. For example, quarter-inch carbon plate steel is popular for many U.S. shelters because it’s two times thicker than federal requirements. Builders can easily adapt steel plates to projects, including small residential bunkers and large community shelters.

Steel plates also provide the opportunity to apply an industrial exterior coating that improves the shelter’s longevity. The coating protects against corrosion, cracks, moisture and mold, helping the inner shell last for generations. This feature is a huge advantage for storm shelters, bomb shelters and survival bunkers designed for long-term residency.

Types of Storm Shelters

Storm shelters come in many shapes and sizes, but they all fall under two categories — underground and aboveground. Both types offer adequate protection against extreme winds but have some advantages and disadvantages.

Underground Storm Shelters

Underground storm shelters provide the greatest protection from outside elements as long as they can remain dry when surrounded by moist soil. Soil is another protective layer from strong winds and flying debris, but it can also get oversaturated with moisture and damage the shelter. This factor is another reason nonporous steel is a better alternative to porous concrete.

Of course, underground shelters are also more effective against high-wind events because the wind can’t carry them away. An aboveground shelter connected to the house could get carried away with the rest of the structure. Moreover, subterranean structures face a lower risk of getting hit with flying debris. Storms glide right over them with minimal disturbance.

However, although underground shelters can’t get carried away by winds, occupants can get trapped inside if the entrance is blocked during the storm. That’s why they are usually designed for long-term residency. They include emergency phones, food storage compartments, and complete bathrooms and kitchens.

Versatility is a huge advantage of underground shelters. They allow for numerous upgrades and customizations to the interior, including secondary exits and wheelchair accessibility. Floor plans are also completely customizable, allowing designers to maximize the shelter’s structural integrity within its unique environment.

Aboveground Storm Shelters

Aboveground shelters might not offer as much protection as their underground counterparts, but they’re still effective against strong winds. FEMA suggests staging residential storm shelters in a basement or interior room on the first floor. The location must have a floor extending to the ground or sit on top of a concrete slab-on-grade foundation.

Aboveground shelters with a solid foundation can be as strong as underground ones. They consist of the same primary material — concrete masonry or plate steel — and are easier to access than subterranean bunkers. Everyone inside the building can reach the shelter at a moment’s notice if a tornado suddenly strikes.

Building an aboveground shelter for communal areas, such as schools and large office complexes, is more practical and cost-effective. These buildings need a centralized location that everyone can quickly access during an active storm. Aboveground shelters are more accessible and can fit into more places than underground bunkers.

Although aboveground shelters are naturally more vulnerable and have some design limitations, they’re still viable options for wind protection. Their accessibility, affordability and flexible location sites make them even better than subterranean bunkers in some scenarios. Still, both options will serve well when people need emergency shelter from extreme weather.

Strong Winds Don’t Stand a Chance

Strong winds won’t stand a chance against an underground or aboveground shelter. As long as the bunker meets all federal building requirements and utilizes durable materials, it will withstand the heaviest winds from tornadoes, hurricanes and other extreme weather events.