Solar Panels, the alternative Energy Production For Bunkers and Bomb Shelters

How Do Bunkers Generate Electricity?

Survival bunkers and bomb shelters need reliable electricity sources to be fully functional. If a disaster strikes and everyone has to live there for a while, the right electrical system could save their lives. How do bunkers generate electricity? What options do they have? Here are the main sources that people can choose from — plus the pros and cons.


Generators are the most common sources of electricity for bunkers and any other power outage situation. The entire mechanism can go underground, which makes it easy to operate and maintain. They also come in various sizes based on how much wattage the building requires, which allows them to fit seamlessly into any home.

This power source converts mechanical energy into electrical charges that flow through an external circuit. The circuit includes a series of insulated wire coils that form a cylinder surrounding an electromagnetic shaft called a rotor. Turning the rotor causes the electrical current to flow through the coils, out of the generator and into electronic devices.

Generators can be stationary or portable, depending on the home’s needs. Stationary generators are bigger and have greater power outputs but are also expensive and more challenging to maintain. Some stationary generators can output as much as 5,000 kilowatts of electricity or more, though an average home won’t need more than 20 on the high end. Portable generators are smaller and more damage-prone, but their mobility gives them a huge advantage in survival situations.

Although generators are most people’s go-to alternatives when the power goes out, they have some challenges to overcome. The biggest problem is constant fuel consumption. Most generators can run for six to eight hours on a full tank, which means they need massive fuel stockpiles to be viable for an extended period.

Generators can run on different fuel sources, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Propane: Propane is the cleanest and most widely available fuel for generators, which makes it easy to create a large cache.
  • Gasoline: Gasoline provides a higher power output and easier refueling options, but high prices make it challenging to stockpile large amounts.
  • Diesel: Diesel is the safest fuel option because it has a longer shelf life and is less combustible than propane or gasoline.
  • Biofuel: Some people make their own biofuels at home, such as biodiesel and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), but these fuels require a generator conversion.

The other challenge of using a generator is dealing with the noise and exhaust fumes from the engine. Fortunately, there is a sweeping solution to both problems — store the generator inside an isolated room with exhaust venting and sound protection so it doesn’t impact other parts of the bunker.

Despite the noise, pollution and constant need for fuel, generators are still the best options for clean electricity. They have the longest track record of dependability, can last up to 15 years with proper maintenance and are available in countless models. There’s a perfect generator setup for any living situation, including the most advanced survival bunkers.

Solar Power

Solar power is the second-most popular electricity source for bunkers. This alternative is ideal for off-the-grid living as the nation’s power grid deteriorates. The components of a solar power system are much simpler than a generator — photovoltaic panels, charge controller, batteries and power inverter are the four major parts.

The panels are made of semiconductor materials, primarily silicon. They stay aboveground and absorb sunlight to create a clean electric current. The current moves from the panels into the power inverter, which converts it into alternating-current electricity for the home’s appliances. The charge controller prevents harm to the battery from overcharging.

Solar panels are typically cleaner, cheaper and more sustainable than generators. They also allow people to achieve complete energy independence, which might be the deciding factor when choosing a power source for a survival bunker. However, there are still some disadvantages to consider.

Despite their efficiency, solar panel installation and storage can be extremely expensive due to the price of raw materials. The average homeowner pays between $15,000 and $20,000 just to get the system running. However, they can slowly make that money back thanks to lower maintenance costs and electricity bills.

Solar power is also weather-dependent. The system won’t have the same energy output on cloudy and rainy days, which poses a huge problem in survival situations. Bunkers that rely on solar panels could be without electricity during extreme weather events. Other SHTF scenarios, like a nuclear winter, would also render solar panels useless.

Although solar panels provide cleaner electricity and lower operating costs than power generators, they are less reliable for emergencies. Both are great options in their own right, but generators still have a slight edge because of their reliability in any conditions.

Wind Power

Wind power is another renewable energy source that bunkers can use to generate electricity. The setup is similar to solar panels, with wind turbines installed aboveground and the rest of the system underground. The turbine blades collect the wind’s kinetic energy, and a connected drive shaft turns a generator to produce electricity.

The advantages and disadvantages of wind power are much the same as solar panels. They can provide clean electricity and low operating costs, but installation and storage are expensive due to the numerous heavy metal components. Their performance also varies with the weather because they rely on strong winds to produce high amounts of electricity.


Hydropower creates electricity from the kinetic energy of moving water instead of wind. Water flows through the system’s piping and turns a turbine’s blades, which causes the generator to produce electricity. It pairs well with solar and wind power to help buildings meet their peak electricity demands.

The disadvantages of hydropower are the same as wind and solar — high upfront costs and a dependence on the local environment. If the bunker lacks available water reservoirs, then the system is useless. There must be a reliable year-round water source for hydropower systems to be financially and energetically viable.

Pedal Power

The last interesting method for generating electricity in a bunker is pedal power. As the name suggests, someone pedals a bicycle generator to create electricity through raw kinetic energy. It seems like a straightforward solution compared to other power sources, but pedal power is less popular for a reason.

The amount of labor required to provide consistent electricity is too much for most people to handle, especially if they’re living in a bunker. It’s vital to save calories in a survival situation, not burn them. Since generating electricity is so challenging, the system becomes inefficient and the costs outweigh the benefits.

Pedal power systems can also weigh up to 180 pounds, making installing them challenging. However, custom-engineered bunkers with flexible design plans address all these issues by including greenhouse rooms and larger living areas. It’s not the best solution but it can work in the right living situation.

Bunker Owners Have Options

Bunker owners have options when it comes to electricity. Generators and solar panels are the most common solutions, but wind power, hydropower and even pedal power are possible alternatives. People must stay flexible with their design plans to implement any of these power sources if necessary.

Stormwater Runoff is Dangerous for Bunkers

Everything You Need to Know About Stormwater Runoff

Underground bunkers provide protection during nuclear attacks, bombs, adverse weather or other hazardous situations. These enclosed rooms are built underneath the Earth’s surface, offering an escape from dangerous conditions. Bunkers range widely in size and shape, consisting of anything from single rooms to extensive layouts with elevators.

Bunker construction requires attention to many environmental factors, such as stormwater. This water develops from rain or snow and flows over ground. If it becomes polluted, it creates hazards for your underground bunker and the overall environment. Learn more about stormwater runoff and how it can impact your underground bunker.

What Is Stormwater Runoff?

Stormwater runoff is rain or melted snow that runs along the ground. The excess water soaks into the ground, increasing its moisture content. In urban areas, stormwater flows through pavement, parking lots, sidewalks and other manmade paths. During its flow, it can pick up oil, chemicals, or other pollutants before reaching other streams or rivers. Because stormwater is untreated, it passes these pollutants onto existing water systems, increasing hazards.

What Are the Dangers of Stormwater Runoff?

Stormwater runoff poses risks for the environment and underground bunkers in particular. Its interrupted flow and spread of pollutants can expose many to hazards. These are a few stormwater runoff hazards:

  • Water pollution: One of the most significant stormwater dangers is its impact on freshwater and saltwater. Pollutants like sediment, microorganisms, phosphorus and toxic chemicals are often present in stormwater. If it reaches water systems, it can make the water unfit to drink or use recreationally. Underground bunkers and all other infrastructures rely on safe water for drinking, cleaning and bathing.
  • Flooding: Excessive stormwater runoff can also contribute to flooding, which has severe consequences for infrastructure, crops, ecosystems and animals. Earth absorbs stormwater, increasing the water content below the surface. The wetter the ground becomes, the less capable it is of soaking up rainwater in the future. These conditions can lead to increased flooding later. Stormwater can also cause flooding in your underground bunker if it manages to permeate it. Exposure to polluted water can cause further damage and hazards.
  • Erosion: Stormwater can erode waterways and other natural landforms. Erosion disrupts ecosystems, posing serious threats to animals and their habitats. Erosion is also hazardous for underground bunkers — if the land surrounding your bunker wears away, you face increased exposure to the outside elements.

How to Limit Stormwater Runoff in Your Underground Bunker

During construction, you can take measures to limit stormwater runoff and prevent it from damaging your bunker. Many sites impacted by stormwater develop plans to address stormwater before it affects the surrounding environment.

For instance, stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) detail the potential for stormwater and the strategies the site will use to combat it. SWPPPs include site descriptions, control methods, response plans, inspection procedures and other related information.

You can use many approaches to address stormwater runoff. Here are a few strategies:

1. Disconnect and Redirect Water

You can adjust your bunker’s surroundings by redirecting stormwater runoff flows. The redirection keeps stormwater away from concrete and other impervious surfaces, limiting its exposure to pollutants.

For instance, you could minimize downspouts. These pipes are connected to houses and other structures, and they direct water toward the street or pavement, which can then reach your underground bunker’s surface.

If you have multiple downspouts attached to your home or nearby places, consider redirecting them away from your underground bunker. It’s best for stormwater runoff to flow toward lawns or gardens so the ground can soak up the water. By pointing the stormwater away from your bunker and towards the landscape, you prevent it from contacting pollutants and accessing your underground structure.

  1. 2. Address Impervious Surfaces

Another way to limit stormwater runoff is by minimizing impervious surfaces. Materials like concrete cannot absorb water, causing stormwater runoff to flow over it and pick up various contaminants. During bunker construction, you should avoid building the structure near significant impervious surfaces like sidewalks.

Another way to address impervious surfaces is by installing permeable surfaces near your bunker. Options like pervious asphalt, concrete and other choices are designed to soak up water. They absorb water and allow it to reach soil and gravel instead of facilitating movement. If you implement these surfaces around your bunker, they can absorb stormwater runoff before it threatens your structure. Professional bunker construction services can help you survey your site and recommend the best positions for installation.

  1. Plant More Trees

Trees are an excellent option for minimizing stormwater runoff. Their leafy canopies serve as resting points for falling rain. Rainwater lands on the leaves instead of concrete surfaces and evaporates after a certain amount of time. This setup restricts stormwater flow and minimizes erosion. In addition, tree roots absorb water and use it to promote growth.

Trees also have positive environmental impacts. They improve air quality by absorbing pollutants through their leaves. They also emit the oxygen necessary for humans to breathe. Many trees gathered in one place can also conceal your bunker, preventing others from finding it.

You can plant trees in the area around your underground bunker to reduce stormwater’s access to your structure. Trees can take many years to reach full maturity, but even small growth can benefit your bunker and the surrounding environment. Research tree types and find options that match your preferences for appearance or functionality.

4. Create a Collection System

In addition to external stormwater solutions, you might want to use  underground structures to minimize its effects. You can build an underground collection system to manage stormwater if it manages to reach your bunker. For instance, collection platforms catch water before it touches your belongings. You can design the platforms to drain water into other ground areas.

Other bunker owners install outlets and inlets that catch and reroute water before it reaches your living space. You can dig these channels above your bunker to prevent the water from moving toward your belongings. The more preparation you take, the better you can handle water when it progresses underground.

5. Use Extra Reinforcements During Construction

If you live in a flood-prone area or expect stormwater runoff to be an issue for your bunker, consider using extra reinforcement or waterproof materials during construction. Underground bunkers can consist of many material types, depending on your selected rooms and layout.

The external structure is commonly made out of steel to provide the most durable protection possible. Layers of concrete surround the structure for complete enclosure. If stormwater rests too long on the concrete, it could degrade the material and eventually enter your bunker. Its entry could damage your structure or personal belongings.

You can add extra reinforcing materials to completely seal your structure and prevent stormwater from entering. Waterproofing options can limit the build-up of standing water. Many people work with professional bunker construction services to design the optimal concrete mix that matches your needs.

Protect Your Bunker From Stormwater Runoff

Using the above suggestions can help you create a safe and secure bunker for your needs. When you’re planning to build your bunker, think about the potential impacts of stormwater runoff, and consider working with a professional construction company to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Storm Shelter In Storm

How Do Storm Shelters Stand up to Extreme Winds?

Storm shelters are designed to protect their occupants from all kinds of catastrophic weather events, including blizzards, tropical storms, tornadoes and hurricanes. All these storms have one thing in common: strong winds. Here’s an in-depth explanation of how different types of shelters stand up to extreme winds.

How Common Are High-Wind Events?

High-wind events are more common than most people realize — especially tornadoes. A surprising amount of the United States faces a moderate to high risk of a tornado strike, including most of the Midwest and Southeast. Some states get hundreds of these storms every year. Tornadoes only take a few hours to develop, leaving communities little time to react.

Communities within a few hundred miles of the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico face a constant risk of hurricane and tropical storm damage. These events can take just a few days to develop, so evacuation might not be an option. States farther north that get lots of snowfall can experience a handful of debilitating blizzards every winter.

It’s also worth noting that extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe due to the growing effects of climate change. The country is at a greater risk of high-wind weather, which continues to increase.

Lucky individuals will only experience minor exterior damage to their homes. In the worst-case scenario, entire houses can get carried away by strong winds, never to be seen again. Nobody wants to be trapped inside if that happens. A storm shelter prevents such a disaster, keeping everyone and everything inside safe from the outside world.

Storm Shelter Building Regulations

The International Code Council and American National Standards Institute are the main governing bodies that set global standards for storm shelter construction. The 2020 ICC-500 is the latest criteria, including design requirements for the main wind-resisting structural system, lighting, sanitation, ventilation, fire safety and floor space.

An ICC-approved shelter must meet the following criteria when it comes to wind resistance:

  • Walls and roofs must have adequate anchorage to resist overturning and uplift.
  • Walls, ceilings, doors and windows must withstand design wind pressures and resist penetration by windborne objects and falling debris.
  • Connections between building elements must withstand design wind pressures.

The term “design wind pressures” refers to the strongest potential winds the shelter might face, which depends on its location. Homeowners who want to build a storm shelter must know their local wind zone. All residential properties in the U.S. must have a data plate indicating the building’s wind zone.

Most residences fall into Zone 1, requiring homes to resist wind speeds up to 70 mph that often occur in severe storms. Zone 2 houses must withstand up to 100 mph and typically lie within a high-risk hurricane or tornado zone. Zone 3 applies to residential properties that must resist wind speeds up to 110 mph.

Homeowners should also take their local geographic features into account. Some landmarks are more exposed to strong winds than others. Cities and woodlands are the least vulnerable because of their tightly packed obstructions, while grasslands and areas near large bodies of water are much more exposed.

Every storm shelter in the U.S. must also meet all requirements set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to ensure its structural integrity. The American Society of Civil Engineers provides additional documentation for wind loads and other structural guidelines. These organizations work together to enforce specially engineered shelter designs.

Wind-Resistant Storm Shelter Materials

Concrete masonry is the ICC and FEMA’s preferred material for storm shelters because it provides a continuous load path from roof to foundation. Connecting concrete roof slabs to the shelter’s walls with reinforcing bars is simple construction. It’s the strongest material against winds, withstanding up to 250 mph in tests conducted at Texas Tech University.

Although the ICC and FEMA prefer concrete masonry, other viable materials exist. For example, quarter-inch carbon plate steel is popular for many U.S. shelters because it’s two times thicker than federal requirements. Builders can easily adapt steel plates to projects, including small residential bunkers and large community shelters.

Steel plates also provide the opportunity to apply an industrial exterior coating that improves the shelter’s longevity. The coating protects against corrosion, cracks, moisture and mold, helping the inner shell last for generations. This feature is a huge advantage for storm shelters, bomb shelters and survival bunkers designed for long-term residency.

Types of Storm Shelters

Storm shelters come in many shapes and sizes, but they all fall under two categories — underground and aboveground. Both types offer adequate protection against extreme winds but have some advantages and disadvantages.

Underground Storm Shelters

Underground storm shelters provide the greatest protection from outside elements as long as they can remain dry when surrounded by moist soil. Soil is another protective layer from strong winds and flying debris, but it can also get oversaturated with moisture and damage the shelter. This factor is another reason nonporous steel is a better alternative to porous concrete.

Of course, underground shelters are also more effective against high-wind events because the wind can’t carry them away. An aboveground shelter connected to the house could get carried away with the rest of the structure. Moreover, subterranean structures face a lower risk of getting hit with flying debris. Storms glide right over them with minimal disturbance.

However, although underground shelters can’t get carried away by winds, occupants can get trapped inside if the entrance is blocked during the storm. That’s why they are usually designed for long-term residency. They include emergency phones, food storage compartments, and complete bathrooms and kitchens.

Versatility is a huge advantage of underground shelters. They allow for numerous upgrades and customizations to the interior, including secondary exits and wheelchair accessibility. Floor plans are also completely customizable, allowing designers to maximize the shelter’s structural integrity within its unique environment.

Aboveground Storm Shelters

Aboveground shelters might not offer as much protection as their underground counterparts, but they’re still effective against strong winds. FEMA suggests staging residential storm shelters in a basement or interior room on the first floor. The location must have a floor extending to the ground or sit on top of a concrete slab-on-grade foundation.

Aboveground shelters with a solid foundation can be as strong as underground ones. They consist of the same primary material — concrete masonry or plate steel — and are easier to access than subterranean bunkers. Everyone inside the building can reach the shelter at a moment’s notice if a tornado suddenly strikes.

Building an aboveground shelter for communal areas, such as schools and large office complexes, is more practical and cost-effective. These buildings need a centralized location that everyone can quickly access during an active storm. Aboveground shelters are more accessible and can fit into more places than underground bunkers.

Although aboveground shelters are naturally more vulnerable and have some design limitations, they’re still viable options for wind protection. Their accessibility, affordability and flexible location sites make them even better than subterranean bunkers in some scenarios. Still, both options will serve well when people need emergency shelter from extreme weather.

Strong Winds Don’t Stand a Chance

Strong winds won’t stand a chance against an underground or aboveground shelter. As long as the bunker meets all federal building requirements and utilizes durable materials, it will withstand the heaviest winds from tornadoes, hurricanes and other extreme weather events.